Join the 14 Day Eat Clean Challenge

This challenge isn't about dieting, deprivation or eating perfectly.  Eating clean focuses on the foods your body needs in order to feel and look radiant. And after the holidays, we have some "cleaning up" to do right?    


When your body spends a lot of its energy trying to deal with the burden of the junk you put in it, you feel hungry, miserable, and exhausted.  Sound familiar?


On the 14 Day Eat Clean Challenge, I'll give you the tools you need to clean up your eating.  I'll help you setup success in making the healthy changes you want.



What is Eating Clean?

The Eat Clean principle is simple:  


Eat junk - feel like junk.  

Eat well - feel well with vibrancy in your skin, in your energy, and in your life


During Windy Ridge Naturals' 14 Day Eat Clean Challenge, you'll fill your plate with lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits and veggies by choosing fresh, whole, "clean" foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks every day.





You won't have the craving gremlins or hunger monsters following you around because you'll be eating every 3-4 hours, giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Why is eating clean important?

When you fuel your body's systems with the nutrients it needs, your body will thrive.  Aching joints will disappear, bloating and digestive distress will ease, and you'll begin to build energy through your foods instead of putting a toxic strain on your body.


As a certified holistic health coach, I help women ditch the diets, make peace with food and nourish their bodies back.  


Unfortunately, I see smart women all the time trying to fit themselves into other people's ideas of what will work for them, only to find themselves miserably stuck by perfection and overwhelm trying to do it all alone and finding nothing is working.

During the 14 Day Eat Clean Challenge, you'll be nourishing your body with fresh, whole, "clean" foods. I'll give you the tools you need to clean up your eating style and set yourself up for success in making the healthy changes you want.  

To join the challenge and grab your free Eat Clean guide, click below.