This giveaway is closed. Please visit the blog tomorrow morning to peak at the winners!
We’re celebrating our new little corner of the world here at!!! You’re invited to our BLOGday party...think birthday party minus the cake and balloons but add in new friends, great ideas, and fun goodies! I'm sooo excited to have you drop by!
At a “normal” birthday party, the birthday girl’s guests would bring the gifts. But today’s BLOGday party celebrates YOU, our readers and customers!!
One of my favorite, FAVORITE things to win is gift cards/certificates (because nobody can pick out what you want better than YOU!)
So, because we want to help you and your friends take charge of their health, nourish your bodies, and pamper your sweet selves, I give you our BLOGday party prizes:

Windy Ridge Naturals t-shirt
(women’s size large)
$10 gift certificate to the Windy Ridge Naturals shop

Replenishing Eye Serum
$10 gift certificate
Replenishing Eye Serum (available for purchase April 2013), a powerful yet gentle skin regenerator, glides over your skin treating the delicate skin around the eyes. It can help diminish lines and wrinkles, combat dark circles, and reduce puffiness leaving your skin refreshed, healthy and glowing. Replenishing Eye Serum is packed with anti-aging, nourishing and regenerative ingredients like vitamin E, mallow extract, and meadowfoam, tamanu, calendula, & carrot seed oils. Enjoy this serum’s benefits on other problem skin areas, not just around the eyes, reducing age spots and improving wrinkles.
Visit our shop and pick your favorite product, come back here and leave a comment (be sure to include your email/name).
Earn each entry by leaving a separate comment after doing "the thing".
1. Like “Windy Ridge Naturals” on Facebook. (include your facebook name in your comment).
2. Share our Herbal Remedies Course on Facebook.
3. Follow me on Twitter
4. Subscribe to this blog
When entering, leave a separate comment for each entry. Please complete the task BEFORE you leave the comment. Cheaters will be booted out of the giveaway...which ends on Monday, April 1 @ 9 pm EST. Winners will be chosen and notified via email the following day and will have 48 hours to claim your goods. If ya snooze, ya lose, and I'll have to pick another winner. I'll also mention the winner's awesome luck here in my "Tell Me Tuesday's" blog post.
Good Luck! Fingers crossed....
:: Christy
Brooklyn Shannon (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:32)
I like you on Facebook (and in real life!) Brooklyn Henson Shannon
Brooklyn Shannon (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:33)
I shared the course! (Took me a minute to figure that one out...) but I don't have a twitter :(
Priscilla Oakley (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:37)
I haven't tried any of the products yet but would love to try the Calendula balm. My mom has terrible eczema on her legs and prescriptions can't fix it. She is visiting next week. Could I meet up with you to get some?
So excited for you and your new adventure :)
Brooklyn Shannon (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:38)
My favorite tea is the Raspberry and Sniffles and Sneezes is becoming a close second! The lavender cleanser is awesome! Foams nicely, feels good on my skin! Love the sleep tight moisturizer too! Oh and at bedtime, everyone gets a spritz of lavender to relax! Even the dog...
Brooklyn Shannon (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:40)
Lets see... I liked the blog! Does that mean I subscribed?? I currently look like a stalker because of all of my comments. Haha! Do I get bonus points for being first?
Deanna (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:43)
I did everything on the list... I think I am already signed up for the herbal class but not sure which day :-) Love the products...I use a lot of them!
Deanna (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:54)
I forgot to tell my favorite product... I like them all (really) I guess if I have to pick it will be Little Sunshine Moisturizer or the replenishing eye serum. The teas are great too :-) see hard to choose!
Kallie G (Thursday, 28 March 2013 08:59)
I'm torn between "Wide Awake" tea and "Forget Me Not" - I could use energy AND a memory boost!
Kallie G (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:00)
I've done "The Thing" and I've already Liked you on Facebook. :)
Kallie G (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:01)
I'm following you on Twitter! I'm @kallie_gay. (Creative, right?)
Kallie G (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:03)
I shared your Herbal Remedies class on Facebook. I'm trying to work out the details so I can come.
Laura Welty (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:14)
Wow! So many goodies to choose from! How do I possibly pick just one? Let's see... I'll go for the Herbal Tea Sampler --- that way, I can choose one favorite, while I get eight different products! (I'm a horrible decision maker!)
Emily Loupe (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:21)
I really love your logo! And, I would love to try your Allergy Away tea. It always seems to be allergy season here in Austin!
Emily Loupe (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:23)
I liked you on Facebook. Oh and my email is
Laura Welty (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:24)
I also want to try the Multigrain Pancake and Waffle Mix. It sounds scrumptious, nutritious, and hearty!
Laura Welty (Thursday, 28 March 2013 09:53)
I shared your Herbal Remedies Course on Facebook, as well as your "Happy Blogday!" event (just a little added bonus for you --- and my friends!). BTW, I love your name, logo, and concepts. I've yet to try your products, but look forward to it.
Laura Welty (Thursday, 28 March 2013 10:02)
I don't have a Twitter account, but I'd like to subscribe to your blog. How do I do that?
Deanne (Thursday, 28 March 2013 20:09)
It's all yummy! I love the Wide Awake as well as the sleepy time tea. Excited to try the Sunshine!
Ali Gibbons (Sunday, 31 March 2013)
Ok... does it count that I have already liked your FB page? Or is it only "new" likes? I don't have Twitter, sorry! :)
Ali Gibbons (Sunday, 31 March 2013 20:34)
I shared your course on my FB page - entry #2! :) Wish I could come - if you ever decide to do webinar, let me know :)
Ali Gibbons (Sunday, 31 March 2013 20:37)
Oh my. I am directionally challenged. Sorry. Forgot to put my email and I think our all time favorite thing is the Elderberry mix, my kids LOVE that stuff haha. We love everything though, esp the Calendula sunshine lotion and we'd love to try the pancake mix sometime, we'll see! :)
Christy Dickison (Sunday, 31 March 2013 20:52)
For some reason...the "subscribe to this blog" button is missing in action. So, just for fun...add yourself another entry that says something like "I WOULD subscribe to your blog if it had a button to subscribe...but since it doesn't, I get an extra entry anyway, just for THINKING about subscribing..."
LOVE to you!!!
Ali Gibbons (Monday, 01 April 2013 07:00)
Ok, count me in for an extra entry since I am THINKING about subscribing - and WILL once that subscribe button appears :)
Deanna (Monday, 01 April 2013 07:34)
I would love to subscribe to your blog and will as soon as there is a subscribe button :-)
Brooklyn Shannon (Monday, 01 April 2013 07:42)
Assuming there was a subscribe to the blog button and I was smart enough to figure it out, I would totally do it! I bookmarked your blog on my phone for easy access and updates... Look forward to subscribing one of these days!
rachel borton (Monday, 01 April 2013 08:57)
We have became fast fans of the elderberry syrup and sniffles and sneezes tea!
Julie Kaiser` (Monday, 01 April 2013 09:16)
I want to try your eye serum - very excited about that being a new product! {ijkkaiser @ gmail. com}
Julie Kaiser (Monday, 01 April 2013 09:17)
I "liked" your page on facebook!
Julie Kaiser (Monday, 01 April 2013 09:20)
I shared your course on facebook - if we get a good response, you just might have to take it on the road! :)
Megan (Monday, 01 April 2013 11:49)
Oh, I want the ALlergy Away tea SO BAD right now!
Liked on Facebook, too (Meggs Elizabeth)!
Lovely goods - fingers crossed!
Christy Dickison (Monday, 01 April 2013 12:48)
@Julie - If I were remotely tech-savvy, I'd be able to figure out how to do a video series and it would be like I was IN your house RIGHT NOW, helping you make Healing salve!!!
@Megan - Allergy tea is in stock right now. If you need some, I can zip it you!