Mornings around here are CRAZY!
Between finding clean underwear for everyone and making sure my youngest hasn't climbed back up into her loft bed and fallen asleep (again), I feel guilty shoving my people out the door. not THAT guilty... unless they haven't eaten a breakfast that will fuel their budding brains for the morning.
I rarely have time to prepare the "I-cooked-up-something-healthy-cute-AND-yummy" breakfast the Pinterest boards show off, but I do want to give my girls and my handsome school-teacher husband a balanced meal that won't leave them starving before lunch.
When there's no time for bacon, scrambled eggs, and fruit salad, I turn to our family favorite...
I love that our smoothies are healthy, quick, and versatile. My kids love that our smoothies are fun, yummy, and portable! This is the "magic formula" we use to create Healthy Simple Smoothies.
Choose 1 ingredient from each group in the pic above and toss them in your blender. Blend until smooth, adding liquid as necessary.
If you're using a "traditional blender" - aka - non-high powered, add the frozen fruit after the other ingredients are well combined.) Pour into 20 oz cup and enjoy!
Not all protein powders are created equal. Join me here next week for my favorite protein source and a yummy breakfast recipe!
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Not all protein powders are created equal. Join me next week for my favorite protein source and a yummy breakfast recipe!
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